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How to make use of Blogger?

How to blog in blogger

Many of my friends are so eager to start their own blog and want to earn money. But when it comes to spending the hosting fee and the domain price many are not ready to pay a single penny. Anyway, I have the best solution for you people to make a professional blog for free and start earning money.

Blogger !

Blogger from Google is the best solution to make an absolutely free blog. So friends lets start building together.  You can also get the official tutorial from Google here

Go take an account.

the very first step to take a google account and Sign in for blogger.   If you don’t have a Google (Gmail) account, you can create one for free. And remember to make of your google+ account as it will help you to gain a lot of support. Now go to  Create a free blog.

Naming your passion!

It's the time to name your blog. It may sometimes your personal identity, so think wisely and pick a name. Try to avoid your personal name as the domain name. But for instance, you can brand yourself to make it possible.  If you are using a generic name try something short easy to remember and its should spell normally. 

This is how you see. Put the best name, the web address chooses a theme to create a blog.

Now your blog is live.

Playing with the Dashboard

There are a few things you have to understand in the blogger dashboard 

Always try to put a label/tag for your post do that people can easily navigate in your blog. 

Understanding the settings! 

 The very next thing you have to do after creating the blog is to change its default theme.
Now go to Theme >> Backup/Restore.
There are many websites where you can download templates

Adding a custom domain

Its very simple to add a custom domain. you can get a domain from Name.com
How to add a custom domain
Once you type the domain name in the space, they will provide you with some DNS entries like 
NameLabel or Host fieldDestinationTarget or Points To field
 The second one is unique to you.
 Read the official support from Google to do the rest.   

you can get free subdomains from
you can also register a domain for free on this blog also.

Need Any Thing More try to ask in comments !! 😀😀😀

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