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How to make your own mobile app builder.

How to create a mobile app builder free       www.thetechblogger.in

Many of you would have dreamed about making an android  app and put them in the playstore. Now in this post we will teach you how to make anew app builder . This means that you can start an online app building business.

As most of my readers didn't  know to play with the website making techs, we will tell have a complete guide to make an app builder

1. Domain Name.

You need of get a domain name  from a domain registrar like (Godaddy  or name.com ) most of the domains cost around $10 (.com, .in etc) . If you don't want to put money in a domain name you can try one of the  subdomains from hostit.Cf   where you can make a try .

2. Hosting

If you purchased a domain from Go daddy  then go and get a hosting service from a provider. This feature is with go daddy itself  but have to pay a good amount. Hostinger will provide you with a free plan to host 3 domains in one account  so you can try that. If you booked a free subdomain from HostIt then you don't have to do anything as they will do everything for you

3. WordPress.org

The basic thing you need is wordpress. WordPress is a website  CMS and a  website builder this tutorial only supports wordpress to make an app builder.
How  to get and install wordpress
If you brought a hosting from  hostinger you can go to auto installation  option in the dashboard  under website and install WordPress in one click
If it's from  HostIt in the left part of the dashboard there is a collection of more than 100s of scripts  search WordPress  in that and install it.

If you are having some other hosting platforms which don't have an auto installation  go to WordPress.org  download  the latest version and upload using a file manager or an FTP Client.  then go to your domain for example techblogger.gq in the browser  and double click on WordPress  (wp) and follow the instructions.

Setting up the builder

Once you finished the wp installation  login to your website dashboard it's like yourdomain.com/wp-admin/ .
In it go to plugin

Choose  add plupin
Now search for MAB Mobile App Builder.
Install it and click activate.

Simply go back to plugins again from  the menu  you will see a warning box in the top . Select all the plugins displayed and in bulk action drop down choose install option.
Once that above step is completed  again in bulk action  click activate.
OK you are all done to make an app builder
Go o your website.com/build-a-new-mobile-APP

example 1

example 2

Example 3

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