Quantcast Bye Bye Allo 😨 - Tech Blogger

Bye Bye Allo 😨

Although we all like to Google It. If some ask us hey what is newton's third law. We all will tell just "Google It man". But google doesn't show any progress on the messaging apps. On September 26, 2016 google released it's Allo with lots of features.
January 31st, and you'll notice that Google Allo does not appear on said chart in the top 500 listings.

It seems that Allo, based on App Annie's historical data, has actually fallen out of the top 500 several times in recent weeks, but this is the first incidence we've noticed

Just two months ago, Allo was all the way up near position 200 on the charts - consistently - but has been basically in free-fall since the middle of December. Barring some kind of tremendous feature that causes a sudden popularity surge, a farfetched possibility at best at this point, Allo seems currently destined for the reliquary of Google product obscurities.

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